Sunday, November 9, 2008

Photo Of The Day: November 9, 2008

I was a little perturbed yesterday when a rainstorm interrupted my shoot in Barbados, particularly as I had just arrived to cover Bathsheba, one of the most picturesque and dramatic locations on the entire east coast of the island. But I quickly became unperturbed when I saw the result afterwards -- a full arc rainbow right over the Atlantic Ocean. As long as I've been shooting, I've never shot, or even seen, a full rainbow over any body of water. So this shot is particularly special. It's small so you can't really appreciate the grandness of the scene, so you'll need to use your imagination to visualize how enormous the rainbow was, stretching well over a mile. And now that I've taken this, I bet it's Judy Garland's new favorite picture. For more photos of water, visit Paul Scharff

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OMG!!!! This is FABULOUS!!! Just gorgeous. Great, great, great job. I'm really floored.