Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Photo Of The Day: March 31, 2009
For the final installment of photos for consideration in the magazine article being written about ways to shoot water, we return to the New Jersey shore. At this sunrise shot, a lone fisherman added some energy and humanity that made a beautiful scene on Sandy Hook even more personal. For more pictures of Sandy Hook, visit Paul Scharff Photography.com.
Monday, March 30, 2009
Photo Of The Day: March 30, 2009
Here's another shot of water reflecting what's on the far side. In this case, it's not a river, but Jemima Pond on Cape Cod. For more pictures of ponds, visit Paul Scharff Photography.com.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Photo Of The Day: March 29, 2009
This cute little Cape Cod house looks really pretty across the river. But it looks even better when it, and then entire scene, is reflected in the water. Including the near bank not only gives perspective of the width of the river, but adds some "weight" to the bottom of the frame. For more pictures of water, visit Paul Scharff Photography.com.
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Photo Of The Day: March 28, 2009
This sunrise is quite pretty -- the sun is partly obscured by clouds adding to the visual interest. But what really makes it is the boat coming into the frame. I waited patiently for it to arrive, and then snapped the shutter when I thought it was in just the right place. For more pictures of boats, visit Paul Scharff Photography.com.
Friday, March 27, 2009
Photo Of The Day: March 27, 2009
The beauty of this pond wasn't so much the pond as it was the almost watercolor-like reflection in the water. For more pictures of ponds, visit Paul Scharff Photography.com.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Photo Of The Day: March 26, 2009
I often tell people to zoom in close on water shots to find a single element to catch the viewer's interest. But every so often the best thing to do is the exact opposite: to go as wide as you possibly can. On this dune on Whitecrest Beach in Wellfleet on Cape Cod, pulling back allowed us to see the incredible expanse of the beach. For more pictures of Cape Cod, visit Paul Scharff Photography.com.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Photo Of The Day: March 25, 2009
For the upcoming magazine article about photographing water, I made this point about this photo: Take advantage of low tide. This picture would have been okay at high tide, but low tide introduced a whole new set of design elements that really helped the interest. It also didn't hurt that I had the advantage of being 250 feet up in the top of Pilgrim Monument in Provincetown.
For more pictures of Provincetown, visit Paul Scharff Photography.com.
For more pictures of Provincetown, visit Paul Scharff Photography.com.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Photo Of The Day: March 24, 2009
This could have been a so-so sunset scene -- the pale yellow sky with the violet water looked nice, for sure. But when these two waders started walking into the shallow water in silhouette, the entire dynamic of the scene changed. For more pictures of sunsets, visit Paul Scharff Photography.com.
Monday, March 23, 2009
Photo Of The Day: March 23, 2009
This photo of boats works for just one reason: none of the boats are on the same plane. So instead of it being simply a row of boats, they fill the frame with their own curve as a group. For more pictures of boats, visit Paul Scharff Photography.com.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Photo Of The Day: March 22, 2009
Returning to our photos of water that are part of the consideration for an upcoming magazine article, this never-before-seen shot illustrates the value of looking downward instead of upward. This scene, when viewed above the horizon line, was only moderately interesting with mostly dead trees standing upright and sideways. But looking down showed a beautiful reflective design in the water. Keeping the horizon visible, near the top of the frame, provided the orientation needed to give the photo a fast read that it's a shot of a water reflection, not an upside down picture. For more pictures of water, visit Paul Scharff Photography.com.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Photo Of The Day: March 21, 2009
I always thought Spring came on March 21, but this year it came on March 20, at 7:40 a.m. So why, at precisely 7:40 a.m. yesterday, was this the scenery here in New Jersey? This mini-snowstorm took the entire New York metropolitan area by surprise. The good news: it was very short lived, and just 15 minutes later there was no snow left on the trees. As we said in March 20th's Photo of the Day, timing is everything. For more photos of snow, visit Paul Scharff Photography.com.
Friday, March 20, 2009
Photo Of The Day: March 20, 2009
This shot illustrates the importance of timing. I got up at 4:30 a.m. to get to this location, and then waited for the exact right minute. Five minutes later, and the lights on the bridge and in the reflected water would be completely invisible. Ten minutes earlier, it was too dark to see the details in the bridge. For more pictures of bridges, visit Paul Scharff Photography.com.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Photo Of The Day: March 19, 2009
A national photography magazine is doing a story on me, focusing on my water photography. I'll give you more information as it gets closer to publication. In the meantime, we'll share some photos over the next several days that were part of the group being considered for their spread. The first is this one, which illustrates the value of getting one more component into the scene. Alone, just the sun and water would have looked pretty good. But add the boat, and it takes on a whole new quality. For more pictures of water, visit Paul Scharff Photography.com.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Photo Of The Day: March 18, 2009
I got my advance copy of the 2009 Monmouth County Chamber of Commerce Tourism Guide, and was happy to see this picture on the cover. For more photos of sunsets and boats, visit Paul Scharff Photography.com.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Photo Of The Day: March 17, 2009
I've been told this photo looks like Ireland, which I can appreciate. But it's Barbados, over 4,000 miles away. But in honor of St. Patrick's Day, we'll run it anyway. For more photos of Barbados, look for a new gallery coming soon at Paul Scharff Photography.com.
Monday, March 16, 2009
Photo Of The Day: March 16, 2009
With Spring on the way, the crops will soon be growing. Here's how it will look pretty soon. For more pictures of farmland, visit Paul Scharff Photography.com.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Photo Of The Day: March 15, 2009
This egret couldn't wait for Spring to start, so off he flew in search of it. For more photos of egrets, visit Paul Scharff Photography.com.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Photo Of The Day: March 14, 2009
I was frustrated waiting for the rain to stop when trying to get this beach shot. But I found a great shot anyway -- through the window of the car. For more photos of rain, visit Paul Scharff Photography.com.
Friday, March 13, 2009
Photo Of The Day: March 13, 2009
It won't be long now before this will be the view again from the gazebo in my back yard. There will be a formal announcement on the first official beach day of the season, and in the meantime, the sunscreen is ready. For more pictures of Sandy Hook, visit Paul Scharff Photography.com.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Photo Of The Day: March 12, 2009
This small barn in upstate New York provided a nice foundation of solid color in a tapestry of mixed autumn colors last year. For more photos of upstate New York, visit Paul Scharff Photography.com.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Photo Of The Day: March 11, 2009
The city of Miami is pretty for a lot of reasons -- usually related to it's architecture, parks, skyline, and streets. But at the side of a road, this tied up row boat which has seen better days evoked a wonderful feeling of serenity completely different than the bustle of the city. For more photos of Miami, visit Paul Scharff Photography.com.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Photo Of The Day: March 10, 2009
In anticipation of warmer weather, here's a shot taken at Sandy Hook is the waning moments of the 2008 season. We're now down to just weeks, not months, before it all happens again. For more pictures of boats, visit Paul Scharff Photography.com.
Monday, March 9, 2009
Photo Of The Day: March 9, 2009
We have a visitor this week who's just seven months old. That's when they're small enough they can take a bath right in the kitchen sink. He's just as happy there, too, especially since we disconnected the garbage disposal first. For more pictures of babies, visit Paul Scharff Photography.com.
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Photo Of The Day: March 8, 2009
There's nothing like the first dance of a bride and groom, as seen here a couple of weeks ago. And that goes double when they're such a perfect couple. For more photos of brides, and grooms, visit Paul Scharff Photography.com.
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Photo Of The Day: March 7, 2009
It's here! In desperate anticipation of Spring, I've been on the lookout for some physical evidence. I even used the CSI flashlight trick, in which forensic professionals, searching for every scrimp of hair or fiber or blood, turn off all the lights and use a $2.99 Ace Hardware flashlight which uses two A batteries -- well, at least they do on TV. For me, I just looked in the daylight, and sure enough, the first evidence of my tulips appeared yesterday for the first time, seen here. For more pictures of tulips, visit Paul Scharff Photography.com.
Friday, March 6, 2009
Photo Of The Day: March 6, 2009
Here on the New Jersey shore, there are signs that the summer season is officially here. The weather gets warmer, the early flowers come up, the traffic begins to get denser -- and, Polar Bear Ice Cream opens for the season. To the great delight of everyone in the area, that happened yesterday. So as far as I'm concerned, no matter what the temperature is, it's now officially "in season." For more pictures of ice cream, visit Paul Scharff Photography.com.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Photo Of The Day: March 5, 2009
Monday's photo showed a number of boats in Atlantic Highlands Harbor. On the other side of the harbor is the dock that leads to the New York City ferry. One late Autumn afternoon last year I was returning from New York on the boat and noted that almost every boat had been taken out of the water for the season. Almost every one, but one, shown here. At this time of year, this boat had the entire dock to itself. For more pictures of boats, visit Paul Scharff Photography.com.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Photo Of The Day: March 4, 2009
The next morning after New York City's grand snowfall, most is back to normal. But there's still just enough snow to make it look beautiful on the residential East Side in the 30s. For more pictures of New York, visit Paul Scharff Photography.com.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Photo Of The Day: March 3, 2009
Yesterday, New York City got about 10 inches of snow. That, of course, brought the entire city to a grinding halt. The mayor got on television for a 30 minute press conference which was covered live by all the local stations which broke into their regular programming. It's all because a large snowfall is a rarity in New York. But it's amazingly beautiful, as seen here in this photo taken on the tree-lined Riverside Drive. For more pictures of New York, visit Paul Scharff Photography.com.
Monday, March 2, 2009
Photo Of The Day: March 2, 2009
If you've read the current issue of Around The Hook Today, you may recognize this photo, which appeared on the cover. It's from the Atlantic Highlands Harbor. For more pictures of Atlantic Highlands, visit Paul Scharff Photography.com.
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Photo Of The Day: March 1, 2009
Last spring I bought a bougainvillea plant. My objective was to feel a sense of a Florida or Caribbean presence here on the New Jersey shore. It was full of flowers when I bought it, but within a few weeks they had all died. All summer long I nursed the plant, which had nice green leaves but no flowers. In the fall, I decided to bring it in the house under the what-do-I-have-to-lose theory. Sure enough, as winter arrived it started to blossom -- loaded with flowers, which then died and were replaced with twice as many flowers. Here's how one looked a couple of weeks ago, in the dead of winter, in the middle of February. The big decision now is, When the weather gets warm, do I put the plant back outside or just leave it indoors to continue flowering? For more pictures of flowers, visit Paul Scharff Photography.com.
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