Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Photo Of The Day: September 30, 2008
There's something about State Houses that make them all look elegant. Many have gold domes; others have interesting statues; most have columns or other very governmental looking ornamentation. But they look even nicer when the atmosphere, and the time of day, cooperate. Here's the Rhode Island State House from my shoot there a couple of weeks back. For more pictures of Rhode Island, look for a new gallery coming soon at Paul Scharff Photography.com.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Photo Of The Day: September 29, 2008
Here's another shot from my shoot in Rhode Island. When I took this shot, the light was just perfect. That's all natural light, light that you couldn't reproduce artificially no matter how much you tried. For more pictures of boats, visit Paul Scharff Photography.com.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Photo Of The Day: September 28, 2008
Last night I was just outside my front door when I found a very ornate spider web. By moving to an angle where the background was simply the dark sky, and then throwing a flash on it, I was able to capture the web with a nice clarity. For more pictures of nature's creations, visit Paul Scharff Photography.com.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Photo Of The Day: September 27, 2008
University Hall is the oldest building on the Brown University campus in Providence, Rhode Island. Built in 1770 and originally the College Edifice, it houses the president's office and other administrative offices. The building became a National Historic Landmark in 1962. For more pictures of Rhode Island, look for a new gallery coming soon at Paul Scharff Photography.com.
Friday, September 26, 2008
Photo Of The Day: September 26, 2008
Wednesday afternoon I was doing a shoot on a boat in nearby Atlantic Highlands. The water was rather choppy, which made for an interesting dinghy ride over to the sailboat where the shoot was taking place. But as rough as the waters were, the view was a calm as could be. Because, as usual, the Atlantic Highlands sunset delivered as it always does, showing this ultra-peaceful shot of sailboats resting in the water. It was so nice to see this when October is just around the corner that I thought it was worth temporarily interrupting our shots from Rhode Island, which will resume tomorrow. For more pictures of boats, visit Paul Scharff Photography.com.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Photo Of The Day: September 25, 2008
The famous Newport Bridge was named the Claiborne Pell Bridge in 1992 after Rhode Island's former U.S. Senator. It connects Newport on Aquidneck Island with Jamestown on Conanicut Island. At 11,247 feet long, 215 feet high, and with 400 feet towers, it's the 70th largest suspension bridge in the world and the largest in New England. It looks good any time, but looked particulary good the day I took this shot. For more pictures of bridges, visit Paul Scharff Photography.com.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Photo Of The Day: September 24, 2008
Last week I visited a relative in Providence, Rhode Island. While there, I had about 20 hours free to travel around the state and get some shots. It was a real challenge because I didn't have much time, and I know I missed a lot of beautiful places that I'll need to visit in subsequent trips. But I enjoyed getting to know the area, which is gorgeous. Here's how Mount Hope Bay looked like just minutes before sunrise. For more photos of New England, visit Paul Scharff Photography.com.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Photo Of The Day: September 23, 2008
On the second day of autumn, here's a shot taken right in downtown Highlands, NJ. I mentioned yesterday that autumn comes late here, and this is a prime example -- it was taken last year on November 24. So I'll have to wait more than two months to see this scene again in person, but you can see how it will look right now. For more photos of autumn, visit Paul Scharff Photography.com.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Photo Of The Day: September 22, 2008
Today is the first day of autumn. Of course in most places it doesn't look like autumn yet with its full glory. But on the other hand, even here in New Jersey where we still have some green leaves well into November, a couple of early adopters have changed colors, and one tree has even lost most of its leaves. But within a month or so, everything will be hues of red and orange. This scene taken nearby in Middletown, NJ has always been a best seller for individuals, institutions and corporations and seemed appropriate to officially launch the season. For more photos of autumn, visit Paul Scharff Photography.com.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Photo Of The Day: September 21, 2008
Today I look up to the sky and know again that there's always beauty there, radiating out to all of us on earth. For more pictures of the sky, visit Paul Scharff Photography.com.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Photo Of The Day: September 20, 2008
With autumn all-too-quickly approaching, I thought it was worth revisiting the buds of the cherry tree in Spring. This was taken in, of all places, Manhattan. The sun was so bright, and the sky so rich, that I just closed down the shutter enough to get the Sakura blossom in its full glory against a perfectly clean, black background. For more photos of flowers, visit Paul Scharff Photography.com.
Friday, September 19, 2008
Photo Of The Day: September 19, 2008
Whether it's summer or fall, it's always a good time to fish. This was taken on South Cape Beach in Mashpee, MA. For more pictures of beaches, visit Paul Scharff Photography.com.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Photo Of The Day: September 18, 2008
A cloudburst is, by definition, a short rainfall that lasts only a few minutes, but is intense enough to create minor flood conditions. In Guadaloupe in 1970, there was a one-minute cloudburst that dropped 1.5 inches of water. But when I saw this scene of the sun rising over the ocean, I thought this was a perfect alternative definition for the phrase, cloudburst. For more pictures of sun and clouds, visit Paul Scharff Photography.com.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Photo Of The Day: September 17, 2008
I was just having water, not beer, the night I ordered dinner at a local pub here in the Highlands, NJ. But the glass looked so good between the Coors logo, the ice in the glass, and the sweat on the edge of the glass, it was impossible not to capture.For more pictures of food and drink, visit Paul Scharff Photography.com.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Photo Of The Day: September 16, 2008
Train tracks are nothing more than parallel steel rails lying on railroad ties. Okay, that's a gross oversimplification. The rails are embedded in ballast to form the railroad track, and if it's not done to perfect precision, the train falls off the track. But the design is very simplistic. Yet somehow railroad tracks just draw your eye -- if they're straight, you want to look out into the distance; if they're curved, like this one in Cape Cod, they provide a beautiful design element into an otherwise ordinary scene. For more pictures of trains, planes and automobiles, visit Paul Scharff Photography.com.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Photo Of The Day: September 15, 2008
What do you call a place that has several houses in the water built, literally on stilts? How about Stiltsville? Just over a mile due south of Key Biscayne between Biscayne Bay and the Atlantic Ocean is a collection of houses known as Stiltsville. Before hurricane Andrew in 1993, there were over 20 structures that dotted the seascape, but now there are far fewer. You can visit Stiltsville if you have access to a boat or plane, or if you just want a look, just go to Bill Baggs State Park and gaze out to the south, which is how this photo was taken. For more pictures of Key Biscayne, visit Paul Scharff Photography.com.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Photo Of The Day: September 14, 2008
What do you get when you mix something wide and round? This beautiful entrance to a small lane in rural New Hampshire, for one. For more pictures of New Hampshire, visit Paul Scharff Photography.com.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Photo Of The Day: September 13, 2008
Yesterday we looked at a photo of the Tribute In Light taken down in New York City. Today's photo is the same tribute, but taken locally in the Highlands, NJ. Highlands is 26 miles from New York, and is the highest point on the Eastern Seaboard between Maine and Mexico -- so it has terrific vistas for looking at the city. Here's how it looked after I returned from New York. You can see the Tribute In Light, lower Manhattan, and midtown all the way up through the Citicorp building. That's Sandy Hook and Sandy Hook Bay in the foreground. For more pictures, visit Paul Scharff Photography.com.

Friday, September 12, 2008
Photo Of The Day: September 12, 2008
Every year on September 11, New York projects the annual Tribute In Light. This tribute to the fallen victims of 9/11 consists of 88 searchlights which create two vertical columns of blue light next to the site of the World Trade Center. Originally lit from March 11 to April 14, 2002, they have been re-lit each September 11 since 2003. They are visible only in the dark when their light contrasts with the darker sky, and their presence slowly disappears with the arrival of the dawn of September 12. On clear nights, the lights can be seen from over 60 miles away. Each year I find a new place to photograph them, and this year I selected a view from just north of the Brooklyn Bridge, where you can see the Tribute, as well as the Olafur Eliasson waterfalls under the bridge on the left. For pictures of previous years' Tribute in Light, visit Paul Scharff Photography.com.

Thursday, September 11, 2008
Photo Of The Day: September 11, 2008
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Photo Of The Day: September 10, 2008
There's no view of an airport better than from the air. Here's Runway 13-31 from New York's LaGuardia Airport. It's a relatively short runway, at just over 7,000 feet, but two feet longer than it's sister runway, Runway 4-22, which is 7,001 feet. It runs almost exactly Southeast in direction. For more transportation-related photos, visit Paul Scharff Photography.com.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Photo Of The Day: September 9, 2008
For our final shot from Sandy Hook taken the day after Labor Day, we look at the tail end of Plum Island. This is accessible only by foot, but when you're there, it's like civilization never existed. There will be many more from this day posted on the web site soon, but in the meantime, for pictures already online of Sandy Hook, visit Paul Scharff Photography.com.
Monday, September 8, 2008
Photo Of The Day: September 8, 2008
This week, we've shown a lot of the black-eyed Susans which dominate the Sandy Hook landscape in September, so I thought it was only right to include a close-up of just one, taken the same day after Labor Day. For more pictures of Sandy Hook, visit Paul Scharff Photography.com.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Photo Of The Day: September 7, 2008
Sandy Hook not only extends seven miles into the Atlantic Ocean, providing 13 miles of ocean and bay beaches, it has these beautiful parts that jut out into the bay, creating a beautifully sculpted design of land, sand and trees. For more pictures of Sandy Hook, visit Paul Scharff Photography.com.
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Photo Of The Day: September 6, 2008
One 0f the nice things about the black-eyed Susans on Sandy Hook is that they are everywhere. So a shot taken in the middle of summer of the edge of Sandy Hook Bay with all the land beyond it looks even better in September with the dotted flowers punctuating the scene with yellow. For more pictures of Sandy Hook, visit Paul Scharff Photography.com.
Friday, September 5, 2008
Photo Of The Day: September 5, 2008
It may be the day after Labor Day, but as this shot taken Tuesday shows, there's no reason to lose the summer spirit. For more pictures of Sandy Hook, visit Paul Scharff Photography.com.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Photo Of The Day: September 4, 2008
In addition to the water, Sandy Hook has some wonderful areas of grasses and dunes. During my day-after-Labor Day shoot there, I found this area that featured a picturesque, windy dirt road. For more pictures of Sandy Hook, visit Paul Scharff Photography.com.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Photo Of The Day: September 3, 2008
To help me get over the fact that Labor Day has arrived and the general energy of the summer has passed, I went out to Sandy Hook yesterday to get some emotional nourishment. And I saw plenty that is beautiful in September. So for the next few-to-several days, I'll share some shots taken yesterday. Today's kick off features a sampling of the mass of black-eyed Susans that appear on the Hook this time of year. For more pictures of Sandy Hook, visit Paul Scharff Photography.com.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Photo Of The Day: September 2, 2008
Despite my despair of the arrival of Labor Day weekend, the truth is that Summer isn't really over, and in fact there's plenty of good weather still to come. So to keep the mood of summer current, here's a shot of a boat defying the day after Labor Day. For more pictures of boats,visit Paul Scharff Photography.com.
Monday, September 1, 2008
Photo Of The Day: September 1, 2008
This picture of a man leading his boat into deeper water makes me think that he is wistfully realizing that the Summer of 2008 is officially over, and that he is trying to take in every last moment of his experience. The good news for all of us is that in just nine short months, after a chilly autumn and a long, harsh winter, Summer will indeed be here again. For more photos of Summer, visit Paul Scharff Photography.com.
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